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The club shall be called BASSETLAW BELLES NETBALL CLUB.
The object of the club is to promote the game of netball for all. The club will provide senior players and, when appropriate, junior players promoting the spirit of the game of netball at all times.
The income and property of the club shall be applied solely to applying the clubs objectives as set forth in this constitution and no portion thereof shall be paid, or transferred, directly or indirectly, to the members of the club.
Membership of the club shall be open to all persons irrespective of ethnicity, nationality, culture, sexual orientation, religion or beliefs: of age , sex or disability except as a necessary consequence of the requirements of netball as a particular sport.
All club members must read and sign the club Code of Conduct and Constitution.
The club may refuse membership or remove membership of the club only for good and sufficient cause, such as conduct likely to bring the club into disrepute.
Appeal against such decisions may be made to the clubs members and decided by a majority vote.
The club is managed by the Management Committee. This Committee shall have the power to delegate management of key functions to sub-committees as is necessary. All sub-committees will report to the Management Committee and their respective chair will serve on the Management Committee. All property of the club will be vested in the control of the Management Committee, who will have sole power of control and disposal thereof.
The Management Committee will meet on a minimum of six occasions per calendar year.
The management Committee shall consist of :
The Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.
All sub-committee members (Social, Junior, player representatives and Safeguarding) are recommended for ratification by the management committee.
A minimum of two elected full club members, one to represent players both senior and junior, if appropriate. They shall serve for 1 year and stand for re-election.
Save for those members of the management committee who are not retiring, the members of the management committee shall be appointed by members of the club at the AGM.
The Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer are elected to serve for a period of 1 year.
The Auditors of the club shall be appointed by the Club at the AGM when required.
The Management Committee may fill any vacancy that occurs during the year but such person must retire at the following AGM although they shall be eligible for re-election.
Any management committee member who misses three consecutive meetings and is in the opinion of the majority of the committee no longer playing an active or effective part in the club will be removed from the committee with immediate effect.
The Chairperson will have the casting vote if required.
The following numbers are required to form a quorum:
At Management committee meetings a minimum of 5 members must be present.
At the AGM a minimum of ten club members must be present.
Junior, social and all other membership categories may attend AGM meetings. Each club member is entitled to one vote.
5.1 An AGM will be held no later than the end of November 2019 and a minimum notice period of four weeks will be given to all members via the Clubs website and Facebook page.
Approval of any audited club accounts, if applicable.
Approval of any proposed rule changes.
Election of club officers.
Appointment of auditors, if applicable.
Matters of special interest from the Management Committee.
Reports from Chairperson, committee members and Club Captains.
6.1 An EGM may be convened at any time by the management committee and must be convened within 21 days from receipt of the request by any medium. The object of the meeting must be stated in full. Notification of any such meeting will be issued via the website and Facebook page.
6.2 A special meeting may be convened :
To consider, and if approved, sanction any duly made alteration to the rules.
To deal with any special matters which the committee wishes to place before the members.
To remove any members or member of the committee from office and to fill any vacancy caused by such a removal.
To deal with any special matter which club members requiring the meeting wish to place before the club including serious breaches of the club code of conduct.
Conduct all meetings in an efficient and productive manner.
Liaise with the secretary to agree meetings and agendas.
Ensure that the club constitution is upheld at all times.
Summarise discussion areas and actions.
Communicate action notes taken at meetings
Be the main contact point for the club in all netball matters.
Prepare agendas for meetings and the AGM.
Communicate on a regular basis with other club members.
Manage the club’s financial affairs and bank account.
Prepare annual budgets and financial procedures.
Report on the club’s financial position at meetings and the AGM.
8.1 The management committee shall have the power to withdraw membership from any member of the club whose conduct, in its opinion, is detrimental to the best interest of the club and to the spirit of the game of netball. In the event of any on or off court incident involving club members requiring complaint or disciplinary action which is not dealt with appropriately by the match umpire, a committee to consider the matter shall consist of the Chairperson, Secretary, the relevant Captain and 3 committee members will convene upon receipt of an official complaint. This committee will have the power to apply relevant sanctions as appropriate including an explanation of game management and a refreshment of the games rules. If after the application of such sanctions the said player engages in similar actions, the Committee will if necessary and appropriate expel a member found in breach of the Club’s constitution and Code of Conduct.
8.2 Each member will complete a copy of the Club Constitution thus agreeing to the rules contained therein.
9.1 In the event of the dissolution of the club, any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all debts, shall not be paid to or distributed among club members but will be given or transferred to one or more of an approved sporting/charitable body: