Bassetlaw Belles Netball Club
Code of Conduct
BBNC endeavours to ensure that the sport of netball is available to all members regardless of age, sexual orientation (currently a female only players) race, nationality, religion or ability
This code of conduct relates to all members of this netball club, players, supporters, spectators, coaches, umpires and helpers who are representative of BBNC regardless of leagues etc.
It is expected that all members will –
adhere to England Netball (IFNA) rules and protocols as well as any relevant local league, social league rules.
Breach of Code of Conduct – Process
If any breach of the club code of conduct is reported it will be reported in writing in full to the club secretary in the first instance. The club secretary will request accounts from all relevant parties (including umpires where appropriate) and any independent witnesses.
The matter will then be presented to the BBNC Committee at the next committee meeting or sooner if urgent. The matter will be fully discussed and decision will be made on what if any action is applicable and as to whether any sanctions need to be applied.
Sanctions – Verbal warning, written warning, second written warning, suspension from BBNC, removal of membership from the BBNC. Ideally there will be an escalation of sanctions however this ay not apply in the event of a serious breach of the club code of conduct. The club member will be advised as soon as possible of any decision to apply a sanction following a complaint being made and decision made.
Appeals Process –A member has the right to appeal any decision on a sanction that has been issued by the BBNC Executive Committee. This may require further investigation should further relevant information come to light. Sanctions could be removed or varied. A member will be informed as soon as possible of the result of their appeal. The appeal will be heard by the BBNC Executive Committee at the earliest opportunity by a panel of no less that five members.